Class Schedule




CrossFit group training at TribeMVNT offers numerous benefits that make it an ideal choice for all fitness levels. Our group classes create a motivating and energetic atmosphere where participants can push themselves. In our gym, our members get the opportunity to workout alongside like-minded individuals who share similar fitness goals, fostering camaraderie and support and accountability. The coaches at our gym are highly skilled and experienced, ensuring that each member receives proper guidance and form correction throughout the group classes. This personalized attention from our coaches allows individuals to maximize their workout potential, leading to better results. Participating in CrossFit group classes at our gym also brings social benefits. Engaging in group classes fosters a sense of community among participants, creating a supportive network of individuals who are committed to achieving their fitness goals. The group environment at our gym provides an opportunity for individuals to meet new people, make friends, and build lasting relationships centered around health and wellness.



Check out our pricing

Our gym offers membership options starting at just $60 per week. Learn more about our pricing options now.

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